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Tennis Resorts
& Vacation Packages

Whether you're just considering tennis resorts, or you've already made your reservations at one of the world's premier racquet getaways, like the tennis court paradise found at Hilton Head Island, where the world famous Dennis Van Der Meer runs his tennis academy, this page will help.

After scouring the web myself for the most up-to-date information on the world's most attractive tennis vacation packages, I came across Roger Cox's fabulous site at Tennis Resorts Online. Everything I could possibly want for planning my holiday was there.

For instance, at Roger's site, you can run a search for the resort that best fits your or your family's needs. He also provides a list of the Top 100 Resorts and Camps, as well as posting tremendously helpful feedback from those attendees who have had first-hand experience at these idyllic places.

Having spent over twenty years writing about tennis travel, including a 17 year stint at Tennis Magazine , Roger visited more than 300 resorts on 5 continents . . . and personally participated in over 50 tennis camps - several of them more than once!

With his extensive knowledge, I doubt whether there's anyone on the planet more qualified to offer you expert advice than Roger.

Have a great vacation!

Recommended Sites:

Kona Red Clay: Play tennis in the cleanest air in the world on the big island Hawaii.

Tennis in Algarve..The beautiful sunny Algarve, in southern Portugal, has a fantastic climate for tennis - and tennis holidays. Read all about clubs, resorts and playing facilities for tennis holidays in Algarve..


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